Tuesday, April 6, 2021-SW Michigan-Fabulous Temperatures
Currently 62 with an average wind from the SSE of 3 mph. Feels like 62 degrees. Dew Point 51, Barometer 29.91, Humidity 65%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:16, Sunset 8:14 pm.
Mostly sunny until about midday becoming partly sunny. High in the upper 70s. SW winds 5 -15 mph with gusts to 25.
Partly cloudy overnight with a low in the mid 50s. S winds around 10 mph.
What a glorious day! And to think it’s only the beginning of April. I’m loving this. I’m also seeing tiny green buds on the bushes out in my tiny backyard. Won’t be long, with a few more nice rains, that things will be nicely leafed out and green will be the color of my world. One of the best parts of living in Michigan is the varied and lovely shades of green we’re surrounded by in the summer. Fantastic. We are looking at a few more days with a chance of rain this week, so with pleasant temperatures also in the forecast for most of the week, let the greening begin!