Monday, Oct. 12, 2020-SW Michigan-Clouds And Likely Rain
Currently 56 with an average wind from the SE of 5 mph. Feels like 56 degrees. Dew Point 55, Barometer 29.81, Humidity 99%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:53, Sunset 7:03 pm.
100% chance of rain showers and afternoon thunderstorms. High in the lower 70s. SE winds 10 -15 mph becoming S 15-20 with gusts to 30.
Mostly cloudy with a 50% chance of evening rain. Low in the mid 40s. W winds 10-15 mph with gusts to around 30 decreasing to 1o mph with gusts to around 20 overnight.
Yesterday fluctuated from cloudy and chilly to mostly sunny and pleasant. This coming week appears to be another version on a longer scale. We’ll get some 60 degrees with sun, some 50s with rain and end up in the upper 40s with who knows what. This is not gong to be a stellar week weatherwise. Was good to get out and about yesterday for tons of colorful pictures. When those opportunities present themselves in Michigan, you take them. Hard to tell when the wind and rain will sweep in and knock everything pretty loose from the trees. Yesterday was perfect. Today is dull.