Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020-SouthWest Michigan-Colder Temps Setting In
Currently 19 with an average wind from the N of 13 mph. Feels like 6 degrees. Dew Point 13, Barometer 29.98 & rising, Humidity 77%, Visibility 0.3, Sunrise 7:43 am, Sunset 6:09 pm.
90% chance of morning snow. Cloudy the rest of the day. High 20. NNW winds 10 -15 mph.
Partly cloudy giving way to cloudy. Low 6. WNW winds 5 – 10 mph.
Got a bit over 2″ of overnight snow. Still snowing light. Not going to warm up much today and will dip down very low tonight. Definite winter conditions. It will warm up a bit by this weekend but the snow looks to be hanging around over the next week.