Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2019-South West Michigan-Darn Cold Out There
Currently 16 with an average wind from the W of 18 mph. Feels like 0 degrees. Dew Point 7, Barometer 30.35 & rising, Humidity 80%, Visibility 6 mi., Sunrise 8:03am, Sunset 5:06pm.
Cloudy becoming partial clearing as the day goes along. A few snow flurries or showers possible. High 19. W winds 15-25 mph.
Clear becoming cloudy with a low of 15 overnight. S winds 5 – 10 mph.
Rather brisk outside this morning. No snow blowing about but there is a bit of a wind, which is adding to the cold feel. I’m already missing our Summer temperatures. I’m most certainly going to be missing them a whole lot more as this season progresses.