Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019-South West Michigan-Some Clouds, Some Sun
Currently 45 with an average wind from the SSE of 7 mph. Feels like 41 degrees. Dew Point 38, Barometer 29.94 & falling, Humidity 79%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:00 am, Sunset 6:53 pm. Some morning clouds with increasing afternoon cloudiness. High 62. SSE winds 10 15 mph.
Partly cloudy to cloudy overnight skies. Low 46. SSE winds 5 -10 mph.
Not a bad morning going on, plenty of bright blue surrounding the clouds. A bit cool but hey…this is October. Cool is the norm. At least for now it would appear that any rain is going to hold off until Monday, so a dry weekend is going to draw out the leaf-peepers in full force.