Friday, Aug. 16, 2019-South West Michigan-Cool Nights Already
Currently 62 with an average wind from the ESE of 2 mph. Feels like 62 degrees. Dew Point 59, Humidity 88%, Barometer 29.97, Visibility 5 mi., Sunrise 6:48 am, Sunset 8:43 pm. Partly cloudy with a possibility of a stray shower or thunderstorm. High 80. S 5 – 10 mph.
Partly cloudy with a 40% chance of a stray shower or thunderstorm tonight. Low 65. SSW winds 5 10 mph.
There is a dense fog advisory in effect this morning. None of it too visible from here, but it’s evidently out there somewhere. I’ll say that last night was chilly enough, with the window wide open as usual, to feel downright cozy having the light comforter back on the bed. Shades of Autumn showing up already. That and a few dead leaves already here and there. Early departures that nobody wants to see so soon.