Wednesday, Aug.7, 2019-South West Michigan-Morning Blue Sky, Afternoon Clouds Coming
Currently 67 with an average wind from the SW of 1 mph. Feels like 67 degrees. Dew Point 63, Humidity 87%, Barometer 29.83 & rising, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:38 am, Sunset 8:56 pm. Patchy morning fog. Sunshine to start the day with a few afternoon clouds moving in. High 84. W winds 10 -15 mph.
Partly cloudy with an 80% chance of overnight thunderstorms. Low 65. WSW winds 10 -15 mph.
It’s a grand morning with the good chance of evening rain coming. What could be better? Our temperatures stay blessedly in the comfort zone. So far, this month of August is turning out to be a winner. Fingers crossed for the rest of it.