Monday, August 27, 2018 South West Michigan – A Night Of Heavy Rain
Currently 71 with a S wind of 8 mph. Feels like 71 degrees. Dew Point 71, Humidity 100%, Barometer 29.94 & falling, Visibility 9 mi, Sunrise 7:00 am, Sunset 8:25 pm. Cloudy, possible peeks at the sun later today. High 88-89. SW winds 15 – 25 mph.
50% chance of overnight showers and thunderstorms. Low 74. SSW winds 10 – 20 mph.
Flood Advisory in effect today. We did get 2.30″ of rain overnight in my gauge which is a whopping amount. The most we’ve had since – well, I can’t even remember when. We needed that rain, but perhaps not all at once. There is still a good chance for more rain here through Wednesday. There is also a chance for some severe weather coming along our way. We’ll need to be watching and paying attention.