Sunday, July 15, 2018 South West Michigan – In Real Need Of Some Rain
Currently 78 with a SSE wind of 2 mph. It feels like 78 degrees so far. Dew Point 69, Humidity 76%, Barometer 29.99 & falling, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 6:15 am, Sunset 9:19 pm. 30% chance of some afternoon showers or thunderstorms popping up. High 89. SW winds 5 – 10 mph.
Some passing clouds with a small chance of a stray thunderstorm. Low 70. SW winds 5 – 10 mph.
So far the chances for rain have managed to skip right on over us leaving us high and dry. So dry that some of the trees that are more susceptible to lack of water are beginning to shed leaves. This isn’t good. This picture is taken by the side of a busy road, so between the heat of the days, the heat of the road and the lack of rain, a lot of the leaves are living a short, little life. We are definitely in need of rain with only small opportunities cropping up. So far, those opportunities have passed us by.