Monday, March 17, 2025-SW Michigan-Ground Snow For St. Patrick’s Day
Currently 30 with an average wind from the ENE of 4 mph. Feels like 30 degrees. Dew Point 23, Barometer 30.16, Humidity 77%, Visibility 10 mph, Sunrise 7:51 am, Sunset 7:51 pm.
Sunny until midday becoming partly sunny. high in the upper 4os. SW around 10 mp0h becoming 10-15 with gusts to 25 in the afternoon.
Partly cloudy becoming mostly clear overnight. Low in the mid 30s. S winds 5-15 mph with gusts to around 30.
Our day and night time is equal today. That will change by tomorrow but it won’t happen again for another 6 months.
Yesterday’s miserable cold weather ended up with what looks to be about a 1/2″ of snow covering everything this morning. Not exactly what we like to see on St. Patrick’s Day but it is what it is. In fact, tomorrow and the next day appear to be the best we’re going to be getting for the next two weeks. And…look for an unfortunate repeat of yesterday’s weather this coming Thursday.
Okay, so far March is not really being very nice. Alas…there’s always next year, I guess. I have hopes every year but this one simply is not falling into line as I’d hoped.