Monday, Jan. 2, 2023-SW Michigan-Very Foggy Morning
Currently 36 with an average wind from the SSW of 1 mph. Feels like 36 degrees. Dew Point 36, Barometer 29.99, Humidity 100%, Visibility 0.06 mi., Sunrise 8:14 am, Sunset 5:19 pm.
Cloudy with areas of dense morning fog. High in the lower 40s. Light winds.
100% chance of rain. Low in the mid 30s. E winds 5-15 mph with gusts to 25.
The Dense Fog Alert has been extended to noon today from a previous 10:00. Got lots of rain coming tonight and tomorrow – along with what will likely be record temperatures tomorrow. Might climb into the low 50s. Not our typical January weather in Michigan. Appreciated, though. Looks as if the temperature around here is going to remain in the 30s for the entire coming week. I’m sure liking this. And we know it won’t last forever. It can’t. Like I said, this is winter in Michigan. We know better than to expect this sort of mild weather for very long.