Friday, April 8, 2022-SW Michigan-A Bit Of Fog, Some Rain
Currently 39 with an average wind from the SW of 5 mph. Feels liked 35 degrees. Dew Point 37, Barometer 29.57, Humidity 95%, Visibility 6 mi., Sunrise 7:12 am, Sunset 8:16 pm.
90% chance of rain today. High 43. WSW winds 10-20 mph.
Cloudy with a few snow flurries or showers possible. Low 29. N W winds 10-20 mph.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed that this is the last mention of snow until sometime next winter. Wouldn’t that be refreshing? Going to be chilly tonight and tomorrow but then things start to warm up a bit. Our warmest day coming up appears to be about next Wednesday in the 60s but of course that will bring around rain and thunderstorms very likely. Oh well, sooner or later things will get brighter and warmer. Bound to happen eventually.