Wednesday, April 6, 2022-SW Michigan-A Rainy Day-No Snow
Currently 48 with an average wind from the SE of 12 mph. Feels like 43 degrees. Dew Point 47, Barometer 29.50 & falling, Humidity 93%, Visibility 3 mi., Sunrise 7:15 am, Sunset 8:14 pm.
100% chance of rain today. High 51 degrees. SSW winds 10-20 mph.
Cloudy overnight with a slight chance of more rain. Low 37. SW winds 10-15 mph.
We can’t seem to evade precipitation of some sort but at least today we’re dealing with only rain. That’s an improvement. Hate to say it but there is the hint of some snowflakes mixing in for Friday and Saturday is going to be another cold one, but the days following seem to all be heading in the right direction. Baby steps, I guess, this spring is about the best we can do. I see some folks getting all excited about some 70 degree days coming up, but I don’t see them. I see 60 degree days, but hopefully their vision is clearer than mine and their view turns out to be the better one. Because for sure, by now, we’re all ready and then some for 70 degree days. We shall see. At any rate, I am willing to see anything but more snow. We’re had our share and then some of that.