Tuesday, march 25, 2025-SW Michigan-Several Days Of Sunshine For Us

Tuesday, march 25, 2025-SW Michigan-Several Days Of Sunshine For Us

Currently 30 with an average wind of 6 mph from the SW. Feels like 27 degrees. Dew Point 26, Barometer 29.94, Humidity 74%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:37 am, Sunset 8:00 pm.

Mostly sunny with a high in the lower 40s. NW winds 5-15 mph with gusts to around 25.

Mostly clear with a low in the mid 20s. NW winds around 10 mph.

Wow – look for some sunshine today, tomorrow…Thursday. Unfortunately that will end on Friday with rain, which will then be with us through Sunday. Until Monday when the bottom falls out and we’re once again back into winter. We just can’t seem to win here. March seems destined to go out with cold temperatures and a wintry mix. Sounds charming doesn’t it?  April is promising better starting out the first day at least 10 degrees warmer. That’s something, I guess. Chalk up this month of March as a loser in the spring game. Better luck next year, I suppose, is the only way to look at it.

Monday, March 24, 2025-SW Michigan-Unwanted Snow Falling

Monday, March 24, 2025-SW Michigan-Unwanted Snow Falling

Currently 30 with a SSW wind of 8 mph. Feels like 21 degrees. Dew Point 31, Barometer 29.61, Humidity 100%, Visibility 3 mi. Sunrise 7:39 am, Sunset 7:59 pm.

70% chance of snow showers. High in the upper 30s. W winds 15-25 mph with gusts to 35.

Partly cloudy with an overnight low in the lower 20s. W winds 5-15 mph with gusts to 25.

A fine snow falling out there and it looks like it could keep on doing so all day long. No warm up in view and frankly, it looks as if we’ll be ending March and beginning April in the 40 degrees. Things could change between now and then but that’s the picture being shown for now. Could even see another bit of snow next week. Someone dipped our winter in Velcro and unhappily it’s sticking to everything. Personally, after going out to feed the birds and critters this morning – I’m done with the great outdoors for the day. Not even going to be looking out the windows because I simply do not want to see this weather. Seen enough of it.

Sunday, March 23, 2025-SW Michigan-Chance For More Snow

Sunday, March 23, 2025-SW Michigan-Chance For More Snow

Currently 30 with an average wind of 4 mph from the ESE. Feels like 25, Dew Point 19, Barometer 30, Humidity 59%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:40 am, Sunset 7:58 pm.

Partly sunny with a 100% chance of afternoon rain. high in the upper 40s. SE winds 10-20 mph with gusts to 30.

Windy. 100% chance of overnight rain possibly mixed with snow. Low in the lower 30s. S winds 15-20 mph becoming W 20-25 mph with gusts to 40.

Winter refused to let go and leave. We are likely to get some snow overnight and again tomorrow. This winter seems relentless. Let’s pretend that we don’t see any more snow after tomorrow, shall we? I’ve given up on the month of March and have now set my sights on April for bringing us some real spring weather. We could see upper 50s, even 60s as April rolls in, but for now? Not a chance. We’ll  be lucky to be in the 40 degree range for the remainder of March. One month of our three month spring season is a bust…let’s hope the other two come through for us.

Saturday, March 22 2025-SW Michigan-Cold Weather Sticks With Us

Saturday, March 22 2025-SW Michigan-Cold Weather Sticks With Us

Currently 32 with an average wind from the WNW of 10 mph. Feels like 27 degrees, Dew Point 19, Barometer 29.91, Humidity 63%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:42 am, Sunset 7:57 pm.

Mostly sunny today with a high in the mid 30s. NW winds 5-15 mph.

Mostly clear with a low in the lower 20s. Light winds becoming SE 10 mph with gusts to 20.

Today is a good case of how bright sunshine can be deceiving and provide precious little warmth. Nice and bright but not anywhere near warm. We don’t have to waste too much time looking for warm days for the rest of this disappointing month of March. Once April gets here we could be seeing some 50 degrees again. Maybe 60. But between then and now, give up on this being one of those March Could Be Nice Months. Alas…not this year. Our hopes are now pinned on April…and next year for March to prove itself worthy.

Friday, March 21 2025-SW Michigan-No Big Warm Up In Sight

Friday, March 21 2025-SW Michigan-No Big Warm Up In Sight

Currently 34 with an average wind from the S of 7 mph. Feels like 28 degrees. Dew Point 24, Barometer 29.87, Humidity 64%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:44 am, Sunset 7:55 pm.

Mostly sunny until about midday then becoming partly sunny. High in the lower 50s. SW winds 10-20 mph with gusts to 45.

70% chance of overnight rain with a slight chance of snow mixed in. Low in the mid 20s. SW winds 10-15 mph becoming NW with gusts to 30.

Might see some sunshine now and again but don’t expect any big temperature rises until well into the month of April. And snow seems determined to show up now and then in spite of our having had enough of it. Let’s face it, March is not going to go down as a lovely spring month.  Far from it. It’s destined to be known as merely an extension of a long winter. And again, that in spite of the fact that we’ve had enough of that season, too.  Expect some sunshine showing up tomorrow but cold in the 30s. And Sunday appears to be yet another chilly wet one. Alas…

Thursday, March 20, 2025-SW Michigan- Un-Springlike Weather

Thursday, March 20, 2025-SW Michigan- Un-Springlike Weather

Currently 34 with an average wind from the WNW of 8 mph. Feels like 27 degrees. Dew Point 31, Barometer 29.59, Humidity 100%, Visibility 1 mi., Sunrise 7:46 am, Sunset 7:54 pm.

Patchy morning fog. Snow showers mixed with rain showers until about midday then clearing. High around 40. NW winds 15-20 mph with gusts to around 40.

Mostly clear with an overnight low in the upper 20s. W winds 5-10 mph becoming SW with gusts to 25.

Look for a little warmth tomorrow but don’t bother searching for any in the following week or so. We simply will not be getting it. Temperatures in the 30s and 40ss seem to be the best we will be able to do. With mixed precipitation from time to time. This is NOT a nice spring nor does it appear to be in any hurry to  become one. Keep bundled up and hope for better weather down the line somewhere.

Feeling very sorry for those Robins and returning birds who left the south to head up to what they thought would be livable weather. Wrong! I hope they can find some way to keep warm and alive because Mother Nature sure doesn’t look to be in any rush to be helpful.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025-SW Michigan-Cold And Some Snow Coming

Wednesday, March 19, 2025-SW Michigan-Cold And Some Snow Coming

Currently 59 with an average wind from the SE of 3 mph. Feels like 59 degrees. Dew Point 44, Barometer 29.59, Humidity 56%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:48 am, Sunset 7:53 pm.

Party sunny until about midday then there is a 70% chance of afternoon rain showers. High in the mid 60s. S winds 5-15 mph with gusts to 30.

100% chance of overnight rain showers then mixed with overnight snow showers. Low in the lower 30s. S winds 10-15 mph with gusts to 30.

Sounds like some snow moving in tonight and tomorrow.  With a sharp drop in temperature. Peering ahead into our forecast it looks like our temperatures are going to be bouncing around on a trampoline. Up one day, then down the next- repeat. We’ll be seeing 30s, 40s and 50s for some time to come. Don’t be looking for any level spring-time weather for us this time around. We’ll be keeping our winter gear around rather than tucking it away like we’d prefer this s0-called spring.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025-SW Michigan-Not Finished With Winter Yet

Tuesday, March 18, 2025-SW Michigan-Not Finished With Winter Yet


Currently 48 with an average wind from the SSW of 2 mph. Feels like 46 degrees. Dew Point 35, Barometer 29.82, Humidity 58%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:49 am, Sunset 7:52 pm.

Partly sunny with a high in the lower 60s. SW winds 5-1-0 mph with gusts to around 20 in the afternoon.

Partly cloudy in the evening becoming mostly cloudy with a low in the lower 50s. SE around 10 mph becoming S overnight with gusts to 25.

Hard to see right now, but our March days are not out of the woods with 30 degrees and snow showers. It appears that we’ve in store for a lot of those over the next few weeks. First off this Thursday it seems we’ll get a glancing blow from Winter Storm Nyla. After that? Just plain winter hanging around refusing to depart and allow spring to get a steady foothold. At any rate, we’re in for a lot more chilly weather so don’t be in any rush to pack away the winter duds. And it pains me to say all of that. Dang! This is not one of the March months that are nice…could have been but alas…

Monday, March 17, 2025-SW Michigan-Ground Snow For St. Patrick’s Day

Monday, March 17, 2025-SW Michigan-Ground Snow For St. Patrick’s Day

Currently 30 with an average wind from the ENE of 4 mph. Feels like 30 degrees. Dew Point 23, Barometer 30.16, Humidity 77%, Visibility 10 mph, Sunrise 7:51 am, Sunset 7:51 pm.

Sunny until midday becoming partly sunny. high in the upper 4os. SW around 10 mp0h becoming 10-15 with gusts to 25 in the afternoon.

Partly cloudy becoming mostly clear overnight. Low in the mid 30s. S winds 5-15 mph with gusts to around 30.

Our day and night time is equal today. That will change by tomorrow but it won’t happen again for another 6 months.

Yesterday’s miserable cold weather ended up with what looks to be about a 1/2″ of snow covering everything this morning. Not exactly what we like to see on St. Patrick’s Day but it is what it is. In fact, tomorrow and the next day appear to be the best we’re going to be getting for the next two weeks. And…look for an unfortunate repeat of yesterday’s weather this coming Thursday.

Okay, so far March is not really being very nice. Alas…there’s always next year, I guess. I have hopes every year but this one simply is not falling into line as I’d hoped.

Sunday, March 16, 20215-SW Michigan-Darn Cold Out There

Sunday, March 16, 20215-SW Michigan-Darn Cold Out There

Currently 36 with an average wind from the SW of 3 mph. Feels like 30 degrees. Dew Point 36, Barometer 29.43, Humidity 100%, Visibility 7 mi., Sunrise 7:53 am, Sunset 7:49 pm.

100% chance of rain becoming afternoon snow. 1″ or less expected. High in the upper 30s. NW winds around 10 mph increasing to 10-15 with gusts to 30.

Partly cloudy with an overnight low in the lower 20s. NW winds5-10w with gusts to round20 in the evening becoming light.

At least the rain is cleaning up our atmosphere after yesterday’s unpleasant stuff. Dust, smoke…the air along with a high wind made it a pretty uncomfortable day.  Today we’re just dealing with cold – and probably snow later on. Not a delightful day at all. And look for a repeat of today around next Thursday. We can only hope that will be the end of the 30 degrees and snow because we’re certainly had our fill of it. Don’t look for any drastic warm up next week but temperatures in the 50s will be our norm. This is not the spring weather we’ve been dreaming of…not yet anyway. Eventually. We can only hope.